What's Bad About Sugar?
By Deanna Whiteley Sugar is the enemy! It is a drug, a drug that is more dangerous than all other narcotics combined. Sugar is a pure chemical through refining it has been stripped of all the natural food nutrition from the plant. Consumption of this poison is dangerous in any amounts. It doesn’t matter if you try to burn the calories off, it has already done the damage once it has been consumed. It is a non-nutritive empty calorie, since it contains no vitamins and minerals it robs the body of stored vitamins and minerals to be metabolized. These vitamins and minerals are the bodies reserves. When the vitamins and minerals are depleted, metabolization of cholesterol and fatty acids is delayed, contributing to higher blood triglycerides, cholesterol promoting obesity due to higher fatty acid storage around the organs. Sugar raises your insulin levels. When insulin is elevated it depresses your immune system and promotes fat storage. Americans consume 2-3lbs of sugar a week, Like other drugs, sugar is addictive, the more you eat; the more you want. I have observed that approximately 80% of health problems are related to diet. Remember what your Grandmother taught you, “you are what you eat.” There are observable behaviors that may be contributed to sugar consumption: Irritability, depression, difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, lack of motivation, eating disorders, emotional outbursts, anxiety, hyperactivity in 50% of children. Health issues related to sugar consumption, traditionally speaking: dental deterioration (cavities, bleeding gums, loss of teeth, tooth decay), diabetes, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, heart disease, arteriosclerosis, mental illnesses, candida overgrowth, chronic fatigue, PMS symptoms, obesity (hard to lose weight from increased insulin levels), kidney / liver enlargement. We have been subject to and developed a strong taste for sugar at a young age. Sugar is in baby formula, and if a mother breast feeding mother eats sugar, it will carry through to the infant. All processed food is loaded with sugar. Take action now: Make sure to read labels on all food for the sugar content. It is better to make all your food and stay away from processed food. Any ingredients that end in “ose” most likely contain sugar. When sugar is eliminated from your diet, food will tasted better and sugar cravings will decrease. If you have to have products with sugar, make sure that it does not consist of more than 10% of your total diet. Remember that there is sugar in alcohol. Sweeten your food with natural whole fruit. Artificial Sweeteners To reduce the amount of sugar intake people like to use artificial sweeteners like Stevia, Splenda, Sweet ‘N Low, and Sugar Twin to name a few. You have to be careful because sweeteners can sometimes be worse that consuming refined sugar. Some sweeteners can cause people to gain more weight than refined sugar. Make sure to research your artificial sweetener before adding it to your diet. And check out the side effects of consuming the product. Deanna Whiteley is an A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer and CrossFit Certified Coach offering free fitness and training advice through her website http://www.crossfitnevada.com To read more fitness articles by Deanna visit http://www.articles.crossfitnevada.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Deanna_Whiteley |