What Could A Urine Sample Do For Your Health?
By Peter Salazar From a medical point of view, urine is like an open book to the body's health status, and there are a variety of disease or ailments that can be diagnosed by the analysis of a simple urine sample. Diabetes, urinary tract problems, prostrate cancer, infections of a diverse nature, hepatitis and so on. With the invention of the home health test kits for urine collection and analysis, many patients declared to have changed their lives. Instead of regular visits to a clinic, they could now send urine samples and receive test results and guidance, via mail, without having to leave the comfort of their homes. In case you suspect an infection in the system, a home health test kit may be incredibly handy. The urine sample sent to a laboratory will tell you the truth about your health condition. For infections, urine is usually tested to check whether there are any white cells present. Leukocytes in urine are a clear sign that there is an infection going on in the body; the laboratory will actually count the number of the white cells and make a percentage of their density in urine. Not always, urine leukocytes indicate disease. One such health condition when leukocytes in the urine is not a reason to worry is pregnancy; it is actually normal to have a small amount of white cells in the urine at the time. Nevertheless, urine samples collected with the help of a home health test kit are enough for a complete exam that could identify a pregnancy. Should there be any white cells found, the urine hormonal level will also be checked. This is the most relevant form of investigation to detect a pregnancy and it is the same working principle that is applied to pregnancy home tests. In contact with the urine, the test strip may change color when detecting the hormone. Otherwise, too many leukocytes will point in the direction of a urinary tract infection most of the time and further analyses will be needed. The good part about home health test kits is that together with the results, you also receive therapeutic advice and basic guide lines to follow in order to recover a good health condition. The laboratory results sent via mail should be shown to your doctor in order that he or she may prescribe the correct treatment. Afterwards, other home urine sample testing may be used again to check the patient's evolution. Peter Salazar's source for quality supplements is http://www.utopiasilver.com To go to this product go here: http://utopiasilver.com/products/supplements/hometestkit.htm Read Customer Testimonials Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Salazar |