Mind, Body & Healthful Juice
By Wilson Sager The Holistic Approach We humans need to be aware of our holistic self and that it consists of mind, body and soul. Each has its unique, irreplaceable role in contributing to our overall well being. Combining selected oriental practices with traditional western medical practices has resulted in beneficial miracles thanks to the consistent focus on an holistic approach to wellness and disease management. Maintaining a healthy and vibrant mind and body requires essential natural nutrients and a balanced exercise routine. We need the freedom to develop a personal relationship with God. A holistic approach is needed to attain the maximum benefits of healthy living. Healthful Juice Organic fruit and vegetables can help us achieve holistic well being. Fresh vegetable and fruit juice nourish our minds and bodies. The excellent taste, fresh smell, and colorful appearance peps up the senses. And the healthful ingredients, straight from the earth's treasure chest of essential nutrients and minerals, nourish and strengthen the mind and body. These nutrients provide the basis for new cellular development. It is easy to juice raw fresh fruits and vegetables because they require no cooking. The raw food nutrition helps preserves more nutrients and enable us to enjoy the benefits of a healthy diet. So add some juice-sips to your diet and enjoy the joy of juicing and the benefits of a healthy diet. Champion Juicer – Your Health Buddy Ok so juice is a smart healthy option, and the best juice is fresh home made juice! In fact juices from a masticating juicer are the best option as this gives maximum nutrients and the juice is tastier with some yummy fibers too! For your own body sake don’t get lazy and have chemical laced packaged, while the centrifugal juicers don’t do the job properly as they miss out on many fibers and micronutrients. One of the best masticating juicers available is the Champion juicers (since 1955). It’s a popular masticating juicer that’s powerful and famous for its durability, reliability and real integrity. Manufactured by Plastaket Manufacturing Co. in California, this juicer range is backed-up with a 10 year limited warranty. Champion Juicers have a simple answer to every juicing problem. Champion juicers chew the fibers and this break up the cells of vegetables and fruits. What you get is a great health drink that gives you more fiber, enzymes, vitamins and trace minerals. Your health benefits from a darker, richer color juice with a full-bodied flavor that is sweeter with more full-bodied flavor. http://www.AChampionJuicer.com is an ecommerce business marketing a masticating juicer. The Champion Juicer is a fruit and vegetable juicer. And drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juice may improve or maintain your good health. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wilson_Sager |